Best Mother’s Day Ideas for 2021

wifi digital frame with family photos

Mother’s day is coming. Have no idea how to celebrate? Let us help you!


For moms of kids under 5 years old

Young stay-at-home moms are always busy taking care of the kids and the home. They’re as busy as a bee every day, and it can be exhausting! What they need is some rest. So why not give them a WHOLE day off! Here’s what to do:


  • First, give her a card to let her know she has the day free to do whatever she wants. She can forget she is a mom and have some much-needed “me time.”
  • Do all the cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and any other business that comes up.
  • Give her a kiss and bunch of flowers. Let her be a princess for the day.
  • Decorate the bathroom with scented candles and flowers, and let her relax in her own little spa.

 mother's day best gift for mom and grandma

For moms of kids 6-18 years old

  • For kids, do something sweet for her. Don’t ask her to do anything for you. And most importantly, don’t make her angry for the day!
  • For husbands, give her flowers, prepare a romantic dinner, or eat out with whole family.
  • You can also present her with a BEST MOM trophy. Order one online or (even better), make one yourself!
  • Give her a digital picture frame with preloaded photos of your family’s special moments together. This is sure to make her day.


For moms of kids who are already married

Once kids are married, they usually spend most of their time on their own new families. It’s easy to forget that this day is also a special day for their own mothers!


  • As her son or daughter, don’t forget to send her a gift and call her on this special day.
  • An Aeezo digital photo frame would be a wonderful gift for her. Moms of this age may not use social media as frequently as us. With our wifi photo frame, you can share your life with your mom by sending her photos anytime, anywhere.

digital photo frame mother's day best gift